Il Sole 24 Ore – Life-saving vibrating seat

Askanews for Il Sole 24 Ore made a beautiful piece underlining the life-saving potential of Viber Alert.

Las Vegas (Nevada), 13 Jan. (askanews) – Every year 1.3 million people die worldwide due to road accidents (ISS data), which mostly occur due to a distraction of less than 3 seconds. Viber alert, a technology created by an Italian startup (and presented at the Ces in Las Vegas organized by Cta), has found a possible solution. Vincenzo Maresca, CEO and founder: “In this case, one of the main distractions while riding a motorbike is constantly checking the instrument panel for updates, rather than keeping your eyes focused on the road. How can we solve this problem? With a system patented in 12 countries which is a saddle with a vibrating system inside connected directly to the instrument panel, so any information will be administered via vibration. Only at that point will the driver look at the instrument panel to understand what is happening, he will not be distracted looking at her constantly and casually.” The technology can also be connected to a navigator, which will then signal whether to turn right or left with the vibration of the corresponding part of the seat, and is also patented for the automotive sector.